UK plans to deploy more military forces in Asia

The UK plans to increase its presence in the disputed South China Sea and the Indo-Pacific region. This is what the Chief of the Air Staff said, Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston, Monday, according to business broadcaster CNBC.

Why is this important?

The UK wants to remake itself globally after its exit from the European Union. Military support for US and Taiwanese allies in defending the South China Sea against China fits into that broader plan. Britain also wants more trade deals to be struck around the world after the European Union. In June, the United Kingdom began negotiations to join the free trade alliance of the broader Asia-Pacific region known as Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Britain’s Carrier Strike Group, led by the $3.9 billion flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth, is developing it Virgin a trip around the world. Within 28 weeks of publication, the group will visit India, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and the wider region. This makes it the largest concentration of naval and air forces to leave the UK in a generation.

A more sustainable presence in the region than any other European country

Speaking on board the HMS Queen Elizabeth docked in Singapore, Sir Wigston said there was a “more regular spread[…]of unitsIt will be reflected in what you see from the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force,” she said.

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The UK wants a “more sustainable presence” in the region than any other European country, says UK High Commissioner to Singapore Kara Owen.

It added that two Royal Navy warships had just crossed the Panama Canal on their way to Asian waters. This follows an announcement in July that two warships would be stationed permanently in the area.

“Our ambition is to have a more sustainable presence here than any other country in the world.”Europe), Owen said on board the 65,000-ton ship.

humanitarian assistance

Sir Wigston added that in addition to deploying more military resources, increased participation would come in the form of humanitarian aid and disaster relief.

Previously, ships from the UK Carrier Strike Group participated in an exercise to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Five Powers Defense Arrangement, with Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand.


Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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