Unlocking Key Issues: An Integrated Approach to Brain and/or Mental Health

Medical Facts Editorial / Janine Padding September 30, 2021 – 23:05

One in four Dutch people suffers from a brain disease and/or mental illness and this number will increase exponentially in the coming years. In order to better understand, prevent, treat and, if possible, treat these disorders, the Brain Foundation, MIND and ZonMw are launching the initiative in close collaboration with NWO and LSH/Health Holland. Necessities. With Hoofdzaken, the initiators want to foster collaboration and exchange of data and knowledge between psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience, as well as with patients, relatives, healthcare professionals and knowledge institutions. The initiative was launched today by presenting the statement to Her Majesty Queen Maxima.

More than four million Dutch people currently suffer from a brain disease and/or mental illness and this number will increase exponentially in the coming years. The costs are currently €25 billion per year. If we do nothing, healthcare spending will skyrocket. “To solve this social problem, more knowledge and better collaboration are needed,” says Jeroen Gorts, a brain researcher and Hovdzaken ambassador. To achieve this, we created Hoofdzaken. A program in which knowledge and data are aggregated and better solutions are implemented for patients faster. The statement is already supported by more than 150 researchers, healthcare professionals, knowledge institutions, businesses, and social and government organizations.”

Five years longer

Together with patients and their loved ones, researchers, healthcare professionals, knowledge institutions, businesses, social and governmental organizations, we have the ambition to allow people with brain and/or mental illness to live 5 years longer in good health by the year 2040. To achieve this, we are working on a national program Knowledge and innovation for brain health and mental health is based on three opportunities. These three opportunities are:

  • Achieving solutions for patients faster.
    • Involve patients and relatives in all stages of scientific research in health care practice.
    • Accelerate the cycle of knowledge by stimulating activity.
  • Combine knowledge about disorders
    • Invest in research into the similarities between disorders in causes, underlying mechanisms, complaints, and solutions.
    • To achieve new technologies for precision medicine and personalized lifestyle interventions.
  • Better sharing of knowledge and data
    • Stimulate collaboration through the exchange of knowledge, technologies and data at all levels and between all disciplines.
    • Organizing interdisciplinary communication and communication.
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What is required for this?

In the Key Issues Statement, we advocate a national knowledge and innovation program for brain and mental health for at least ten years with structural funding. A program in which knowledge and data about psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, and neuroscience are aggregated and better solutions applied to patients faster. By joining forces, we can achieve more for people with brain disorders and mental disorders.

About the basics

Hoofdzaken is an initiative of the Brain Foundation, MIND and ZonMw and has been developed in close collaboration with LSH/Health Holland, NWO and with experts from various disciplines. Hovdzaken advocates a national program of knowledge and innovation for brain and mental health for at least ten years with structural funding. A program without dividing lines, where connections are made and where cross-pollination occurs between disciplines and fields, such as psychiatry and neuroscience. The focus is on innovations for patients, so that more impact can be made in the years to come.

Source: Brain Foundation

Medical Facts Editorial / Janine Padding

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