Uproar in France: Potential clients must undergo mock drowning | outside

In France, an uproar arose over a video clip showing a potential client apparently drowning. His fellow students received the same inhumane treatment. The coach on duty has now been suspended, and the director of the police academy has been summoned.

The footage shows the recruit panicking and gasping for breath after water was poured on him. The wet shirt stretched around his head made him feel like he was drowning. And in between, the prospect also gets punched in the stomach.

These incidents happened last Friday at the Oysel Police Academy (near Rouen; editor). According to “Le Parisien”, 41 similar films were made, starring 30 different recruits. In one case, the targeted student also had to carry a companion on his back.


For the United Nations, waterboarding is equivalent to torture. Such practices certainly do not belong in the police academy. The General Inspectorate of Police has now begun an investigation.

“This is unacceptable,” Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin responded. “I have asked for the coach to be suspended. The academy director will be in charge by the end of the week. We will then take appropriate action. Police agencies, like everyone else, must abide by the rules.

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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