US Secretary of State Blinken: “Iran has taken a step back in negotiations on a new nuclear deal”

United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken © AFP

Iran’s latest response in the ongoing negotiations to save the 2015 nuclear deal is a step backwards. This is what US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said Friday in Brussels.

GVsource: BELGA

The international nuclear deal signed with Iran in 2015 has been in the fridge for years. The purpose of the agreement with the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, the United States, China, Russia, France and the United Kingdom (plus Germany), was to impose restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program so that the country could not develop nuclear weapons. . In return, sanctions on Iran were lifted.

However, former US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew his country from the agreement in 2018 and reimposed sanctions. Then Iran also began violating the terms of the agreement, including enriching uranium more than is permitted.

The European Union, coordinator of the talks, on August 8 presented what it called a “final text” to restore the agreement that Trump had buried in 2018. Iran responded with a new proposal at the beginning of September, but that does not seem to like the United States.

“We’ve made progress in recent weeks,” Blinken said in Brussels on Friday. Blinken said Iran has ceded some of the demands of the United States, France, the United Kingdom, China, Russia and Germany. “The last answer takes us back,” Blinken said. He added that the United States is not ready to give up its demands.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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