Foreign Office – Cracks in the UK?

Is there a crack in the UK?

The queen passed away. Long live the king. Queen Elizabeth has not yet been buried, but Charles, not the most popular king, has already taken the helm of the kingdom. He promised to visit Northern Ireland and all other territories soon. In Scotland and Wales, where there is a clear bid for independence, his important task is to preserve the peace. And across the border, Barbados has already split from the royal family, and the debate is raging in Jamaica as well. Can Charles hold the kingdom together, including the Commonwealth? Also, how he will deal with the painful colonial history as king, as that too is already being discussed. Former reporter guest Hike zips.

In search of the king of the jungle

Twenty years ago, a documentary filmmaker Mijke van Wijk A jaguar hit in the jungles of Costa Rica. The meeting had a profound effect on her. Now, years later, she returns to the wilds of Central America to see for herself what this wild animal is like.

In held abroad Correspondent Angelo Van Schaeck focuses on the successful Italian fight against looted art.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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