Various activities during mental health day

On the afternoon of Tuesday 10 October, De Meerpaal will support WachtVerzachter with a number of activities in the context of Mental Health Day. The afternoon session begins at 4pm at De Brandaris Primary School.

Participants begin with a qi gong lesson. This relaxing activity is part of Chinese teachings and improves your physical and mental health. After that, smoothies are on the program at 5 p.m. This takes place in the purple carriage De Meerpaal which is located that afternoon on the Johan Cruyff Court in Dronten Zuid.

Mental illness

De Meerpaal’s social care department is ready to receive residents suffering from anxiety, depression or stress, for example. By talking about this, social workers and youth workers show this population that they are not alone. Referral to appropriate authorities, such as the GGZ, can also make a difference. Residents can also contact WachtVerzachter. This organization provides support for mentally weak people through experienced experts. Look website Van de Mierpal and Which van WachtVerzachter for more information and to connect with the right people.


Dronten residents who would like to participate in Mental Health Day can register via location From de Mirbal. Participation is free.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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