Versalink Holdings Limited announces the appointment of Xue Congyn as an independent non-executive director

Versalink Holdings Limited announces the appointment of Mr. Xue Congyan as an independent non-executive director effective 19 July 2023. Mr. Xue will also be appointed as Chairman of the National Central Committee and a member of the Audit Committee (“AC”) and the Remuneration Committee (“RC”). Professional Experience: From June 2023 to the present time – an executive and independent member at Camsing Healthcare Limited August 2019 to the present time – an executive and independent member at Zixin Group Holdings Limited September 2016 to the present time – founder of Mondial Financial Group, LLC May 2013 to the present time – the founder of Beijing Glor Yhope Capital (limited partnership) April 2012 to the present time – co -founder and administrative director of Go & Company (HK) Limited in April 2007.

Mr. Xue was a manager of Northern Minerals Limited. Mr. Xue is Mundial Financial Group, LLC, Beijing Gloryhope Capital (Limited Partnership), Go & Company (HK) Limited, Shanxi Huanghe Zhongwang Animation Technology Co., Ltd. Ltd. , Kunming Kaishi Advertising Limited, Liability Company Beijing Anjien Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.

Ltd. Mr. Xue is currently a non-executive and independent director of Zixin Group Holdings Limited and Camsing Healthcare Limited. Mr. Xue holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Angeles, Republic of the Philippines, a Master of Science in International Finance (merited) from the University of Leeds, UK, and a Master of Science in Global Finance from HKUST & NYU Stern School of Business.

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Sophie Baker

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