VTM ‘Da’s Liefde’ Nominated For Emmy Award – TV & Radio

VTM’s “Da’s Liefde” was nominated by production company Shelter for an International Emmy. Ketnet also has a chance to win a prize.

In Da’s Liefde, comedian Jens Dendoncker tests the science of love in practice. The program was shown on VTM in the spring. The competition comes from South Korea, Mexico and the United Kingdom. The winner will be announced on November 22nd.

Flemish programs have already had success in the past in the “unscripted entertainment” category for which “Da’s Liefde” was nominated. In 2018, “How Shall I Say It?” (VTM), as well as with Jens Dendoncker, and in 2017, Emmy went for Sorry Voor Alles (single).

Ketnet’s “Signs of Life,” which is about kids with special scars, also has a chance to win an Emmy. This program was nominated for an Emmy Kids Award. The award will be delivered on October 12th.

In Da’s Liefde, comedian Jens Dendoncker tests the science of love in practice. The program was shown on VTM in the spring. The competition comes from South Korea, Mexico and the United Kingdom. The winner will be announced on November 22nd. Flemish programs have already had success in the past in the “unscripted entertainment” category for which “Da’s Liefde” was nominated. In 2018, “How Shall I Say It?” (VTM), as well as with Jens Dendoncker, and in 2017, Emmy went for Sorry Voor Alles (single). Ketnet’s “Signs of Life,” which is about kids with special scars, also has a chance to win an Emmy. This program was nominated for an Emmy Kids Award. The award will be delivered on October 12th.

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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