Wakker Dier: The Dairy Lobby – despite the warning – still exists on the websites | Cooking and eating

Cooking and eatingEleven Dutch dairy websites contain data that the Advertising Code Commission previously considered misleading. The dairy lobby continues to post incorrect information and the animal welfare organization Wakker Dier wants this to be resolved.

“The Advertising Law Commission’s opinion was very clear on previous statements: This is a hoax,” says Anne Hillhurst of Wakker Dier. “We would like to see the Dutch dairy organization blacklisted by the RCC as” non-compliant. ” This means that the lobby organization will no longer be able to purchase advertising space from media companies and risk paying a fine from the regulator, the Consumer and Markets Authority. “If RCC’s board pleaded with one dairy site about phishing, NZO would announce the same lies elsewhere,” Hillhurst said.

Friendliness with animals

Wakker Dier found, among other things, a dozen misleading statements about sustainability and about the health of cows and people, “NZO gives the impression that all dairy fits into the five wheel and is therefore healthy, while most of it falls off the wheel,” Hillhurst explains. “NZO also lies in the suitability of animals in the dairy sector,” says Hillhurst. “Dairy farmers will take the best possible care of their cows and keep them as healthy as possible, but RCC has previously ruled that this is misleading.”


If RCC appealed to a dairy website about phishing, NZO would announce the same lies elsewhere

Anne Hillhurst, Walker Dier

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Walker Dyer says the animals’ living conditions leave much to be desired. Currently, a quarter of dairy cows have an udder infection. “Farmers are primarily concerned with running a thriving business in the economic sphere, not with animal health.”

Wakker Dier found a total of eleven sites containing 26 misleading NZO statements. Six of the sites are kind of shade sites: it’s not immediately clear that they’re run by the largest dairy company in the Netherlands. At least three sites are partially funded by European tax money.

To adjust

A year ago, Wakker Dier complained to RCC about the site The Netherlands operates on dairy products. Of the 28 complaints, 12 were declared correct and NZO had to amend the site. “They pretty much have done that,” Hillhurst said, “but we’re seeing that they run many other sites whose data is still there.”

Because the RCC ruling is limited to the site The Netherlands operates on dairy products NZO can continue to use the condemned data on other sites without consequences. Ideally, we want them to take responsibility and to modify these hoaxes, Hillhurst says. “If they don’t, we want to remove all data.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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