Weatherman Frank Deboosere no longer discounts 50°C summer days

© koen fasseur, kris van exel

The heat record was not broken, on July 25, 2019, it was two degrees warmer in Uccle. But Tuesday comes second on the tables. However, meteorologist Frank Debusser believes that these records could soon be broken. According to Debusser, we can drop at 50 degrees on very hot days.

Late Tuesday afternoon, the temperature in Oakley rose to 38.1 degrees. Thus, July 19, 2022 is the second warmest day since the beginning of observations in Uccle in 1892. Thanks to the tropical air that came to us from Spain and Portugal. And it stays warm until late Tuesday night.

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If you see what’s happening in Spain and Portugal right now, temperatures rapidly rising above 40 degrees, meteorologist Frank Debusser thinks the chance is more realistic that we’ll hit the 50 degree mark in Europe. Exceptional, just as temperatures are now exceptional. But he thinks it’s no longer impossible. If not next year, maybe after the next.

Wim Terry, a climate scientist at VUB, sees more heat waves getting warmer. as a result of global warming.

“Global warming doesn’t stop there, does it. So I’d expect somewhere in southern Europe to hit a maximum temperature of 50 degrees,” says Debusser.

The highest temperature ever recorded on our continent dates back to last summer: on August 11, 48.8 degrees were measured on the Italian island of Sicily. The previous record of 48 degrees dates back to July 1977. This was measured in the Greek capital, Athens.

© koen fasseur

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Denton Watson

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