What are the differences in the rules between Flanders, …

In Flanders and Brussels, cinemas should or will be closed, but that is not the case in Wallonia
Photo: AFP

After Brussels and Wallonia, Flanders will also receive additional measures from Friday. But what are the biggest differences?


• Night time: from midnight until five in the morning.

Mouth mask: mandatory in crowded places.

• Shopping: A maximum of 2 persons or an adult with minor children.

Sports: amateur sports under the age of twelve continue, and those over the age of twelve are no longer permitted to play indoor sports. Outside only a group of up to four people is allowed.

• Residential Care Centers: Visits are still possible, but they are limited to one popular contact and a maximum of one additional contact every two weeks.

Worship, funerals and wedding services: a maximum of 40 people.

• Culture: museums, cinemas, and concert halls … are closed.


Curfew: from 10 pm until 6 am.

• Face mask: is mandatory everywhere in the Brussels region.

• Shopping: The stores close at 8 pm and people have to shop on their own. Minors from their families are allowed to attend.

• Sports: All amateur sports competitions are prohibited, including those under the age of twelve. The latter may continue to train.

Residential Care Centers: A maximum of two different visitors are allowed to change every two weeks.

Worship, funerals and weddings: closing churches and mosques. At funerals, no more than 15 people may attend, and at weddings only for spouses and their witnesses.

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• Culture: museums, cinemas, and concert halls … are closed


Curfew: from 10 pm until 6 am.

Mouth mask: mandatory in crowded places.

• Shopping: two, maximum, excluding children under the age of twelve.

Sports: Only children under the age of 12 are permitted to participate in competitive sports. For everyone else, everything is prohibited, including training.

• Residential care centers: a regular visitor who can change every two weeks.

Worship, funerals and weddings services: a maximum of 40 people.

Culture: museums, cinemas, and concert halls … remain open for a maximum of 200 people if they can guarantee all security measures.

Read also. There is no tougher curfew, but almost everything shuts down: the last step for a real lockdown

Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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