What is the importance of hobbies? Health expert says

Knitting, running, painting, yoga: hobbies come in countless varieties. And while many people think hobbies seem heavy, the opposite is true. The hobby is very beneficial to your health (mental and physical), if you ask coach Rod Mullenberg.

He explains: This is the importance of hobbies.

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The importance of hobbies to your (mental) health

Leisure coach and expert Rod Muilenberg It helps people get rid of fatigue, and although that doesn’t work 1, 2, 3 of course, having a hobby is an important aspect, if you ask about it. So he argues in favor of making time for your hobby, whether it’s a sporting or creative hobby: “A hobby means time for yourself, and this is important for a good balance in your life. There is more than just working or caring for others – and free time can be found in hobbies. In addition, many hobbies stimulate your creative mind, which in the long run reduces your stress level. Some hobbies kill two birds with one stone. Those who like to walk make time for themselves, but are also immediately physically active.


Biggest predicament? According to Muilenberg, it goes too far. When it comes to your hobby, you should not impose any obligations on yourself. So don’t think “I should run at least 2 hours a week”, but go whenever you want. So don’t stress about finishing that knitting, but just grab the needles when you need some relaxation. It often works like a vicious circle: People who start out as a hobby don’t put any pressure on themselves. But then they buy new shoes and start setting goals. For themselves. Running 12 kilometers per hour, for example. If that doesn’t work, the fun is over and running no longer seems like a hobby. But for whom are you actually doing it? You wouldn’t break a world record, so slowing down wouldn’t hurt. And the funny thing is: If relaxation becomes a big part of your tour, it’s often faster.

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Once a hobby becomes a necessity, it is no longer a hobby. This is the big difference with “buying” time like work. Much more needs to be done in this regard, but a hobby is one’s 100% will. Fatigue often results from a lack of independence. Independence is the gap between desire and necessity, and this can be bridged by properly organizing your time.

Don’t see failure as failure

If you don’t have a cherished hobby in your life, don’t worry if you ask Mullenberg: It’s never too late to discover a new hobby. Take a step back and think about what you want to achieve with your hobby. More creativity? lay in your head? A healthier lifestyle? Start exploring from there and try many different things. If this is bird watching one month and drums the next, that’s okay. It’s about dedicating that free time to something you really enjoy. Being forced to persist in a hobby because otherwise it is a “failure” is also a constant misunderstanding. If you get tired of that drum kit after a year, just put it aside and find something new. The wise lesson that Mullenberg taught us? As long as this hobby does not feel like a necessity.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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