Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards: These are the most beautiful animal photos of 2021 | Instagram HLN

Here are the 2021 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards winners. Get your laughs rolling, because there are gems again this year.

Photographers Paul Johnson-Hicks and Tom Slam created the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2015. Their goal was to create a competition that focused on the light and funny side of wildlife photography in order to advance the preservation of our animal world through humor. Meanwhile, the competition enjoys worldwide recognition.

Each year, thousands of photographers capture one of the awards. This year too, the number of entries was phenomenal. More than 7000 images were submitted from all over the world. It shows how incredibly fun wildlife can be and that we must do everything we can to protect the animal world. The winners can be found below.

The biggest winner of 2021 was Ken Jensen with the picture “Ouch!”. The Monkey (Golden Silk Monkey – Yunnan, China) is actually aggressive, but paired with a seemingly awkward attitude, it makes for a playful image.

Overall Winner of the 2021 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Many other photographers have also received awards in various categories ranging from animals on land, sea and air to an audience award.

Photo "Prairie meadow ninja!" by Arthur Trevino.  David vs. Goliath, the animal version anyway.  A brave little prairie dog takes on a big bald eagle.
Pictures of “Ninja Prairie Dog!” by Arthur Trevino. David vs. Goliath, the animal version anyway. A brave little prairie dog takes on a big bald eagle. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Photo "I think summer is over" by John Spears.  Pigeons also suffer from wind and are left in the fall.  This photo didn't win an award
“I Think Summer Is Over” by John Spears. Pigeons also suffer from wind and are left in the fall. This picture won not only the “Animals in the Sky” award, but also the audience award. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Photo "It's time for school" by Chi Kee Teo.  It is very clear that young children should also listen to their parents.  Time for some swimming lessons.
“It’s time for school” photo by Chee Kee Teo. It is very clear that young children should also listen to their parents. Time for some swimming lessons. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Photo "mud bath joy" by Vicki Gurun.  This elephant can't get enough of a mud bath.
Picture “The Delight of a Mud Bath” by Vicki Gurun. This elephant can’t get enough of a mud bath. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

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Photo "let's go dancing" by Andy Parkinson.  These two little bears are playing against each other in the middle of a river.
“Let’s Dance” photo by Andy Parkinson. These two little bears are playing against each other in the middle of a river. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Photo "Look who's jumping high" From Chuanlin.  These two mindless Mudbirds are clearly amazed at how high a third they can jump.
“Watch Who Jumps High” photo by Zhou Han Lin. These two mindless Mudbirds are clearly amazed at how high a third they can jump. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Photo "Majestic and graceful bald eagle" by David Epley.  Even the bald eagle makes a mistake now and then.  This can cause problems if you try to grab a branch.
“The Majestic and Magnificent Bald Eagle” by David Epley. Even the bald eagle makes a mistake now and then. This can cause problems if you try to grab a branch. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Photo "tree hugger" by Jacob Houdan.  Is this plump monkey scratching his nose or showing his love for the tree with a passionate kiss?  Who says.
Photography “Treehugger” by Jacob Houdan. Is this plump monkey scratching his nose or showing his love for the tree with a passionate kiss? Who says. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Photo "Chinese whispers" by Jan Pesha.  These raccoons are clearly scheming or maybe gossiping.
“Chinese Whispers” photo by Jan Pesha. These raccoons are clearly scheming or maybe gossiping. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Photo "missing" Written by Leah Scuddan.  This kangaroo should have practiced its kicking technique more before starting this fight.
“Missed” photo by Lea Scadane. This kangaroo should have practiced its kicking technique more before starting this fight. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Photo "How do you open that damned window?" by Nicholas de Volks.  Tom Cruise has nothing against him.  This raccoon is trying to break into a house in style
Picture “How do you open this damn window?” by Nicholas de Volks. Tom Cruise has nothing against him. This raccoon is trying to break into a house in true Mission Impossible style. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Photo "Glance" by Pal Marchart.  This bear is playing hide and seek while going downstairs.
Peekaboo photo by Pal Marchart. This bear is playing hide and seek while going downstairs. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Photo "I got you" by Roland Kranets.  These dealers seem to be practicing a Cirque du Soleil routine.
“I Got You” photo by Roland Kranitz. These dealers seem to be practicing a Cirque du Soleil routine. © Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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