World War 3: Donald Trump provokes fear of war by ‘demand for options’ to attack Iran | World | News

According to the New York Times, Mr Trump last week asked his advisers to explore other ways to target Iran’s nuclear facilities. However, the same report says that White House officials were able to stop Mr Trump, explaining that such actions could boil down current tensions.

Advisers who opposed Mr Trump’s advice included US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Vice President Mike Pence.

The new store wrote: “Several senior advisers prevented the president from moving with a military strike.”

It added: “By missile or cyber – any strike will almost certainly be focused on Natanz, where Mr. Trump dropped the International Atomic Energy Agency on Wednesday, 12 times larger than what was allowed under Iran’s uranium reserve nuclear deal in 2018.

“Iran has not allowed access to another suspicious site that has evidence of past nuclear activity,” the agency said.

One week after Mr Pompeo’s attack on Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, he has been accused of stealing “hundreds of millions of dollars from your people.”

He lashed out at Mr Khamenei for saying that the US election had “shown the ugly face of liberal democracy.”

Mr Pompeo tweeted: “Come on, you personally stole hundreds of millions of dollars from your people.

“Your elections are a joke, hundreds of candidates are not even eligible to run.

“We welcome the day when the Iranian people will get their will. You know what it is. That’s all.”

Tensions between the two countries have been rising for some time with the exchange between Mr Pompeo and Mr Khamenei on US election day.

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The war of words Mr. Pompeo brand saw Iran as a Baria state that still “holds innocent American citizens” today.

He tweeted: “41 years ago, the Iranian regime held 52 US diplomats hostage for 444 days. We remember the sacrifices they made.

“The regime still holds innocent American citizens. The Iranian regime must stop this brutal hostage campaign and immediately release Morat Tahpas and Namaz.”

Mr Khamenei responded to the allegations a few hours later, suggesting that the US election was a “scene”.

He tweeted: “What a scene! Someone says this is the most fraudulent election in American history.” Who says that? The current president.

“His opponent says Trump wants to control the election! This is how American elections and American democracy are.”

Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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