Young men design a place to relax “The Spot”: “It’d be really cool”

“If you are too old on a swing or a swing, there is not much to do in Hilo,” says youth worker Martin van der Molen. So, a group of young men stood up to find a relaxing place Let’s create or innovate. The Spot should become a place where young adults can spend their time and lose their energy.

The new relaxation and sporting venue will be next door to the Het Vennewater Gym. The idea is that there is something that everyone can do. The rink got high marks on the wish list, so she will come anyway. But you can also play chess, football, basketball, fitness or create your own game.

“There is a special thought behind it all,” says Denis Otto, one of the young people involved in the project. “The intention is that you can apply all ten methods of movement, such as running, falling, standing, and swinging. But there will also be a situation where you can relax.”

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Since October, twenty enthusiastic young people between the ages of 14 and 20 have been working on The Spot project, along with a youth worker and sports coach in the neighborhood. The group has gained inspiration from various places in the Netherlands. A wish-list was then drawn up and the various companies showed the group what they could achieve.

Ultimately, young people also need access to finance to achieve a quiet place. To fulfill all dreams, 170 thousand euros are required. To date, more than 3,000 euros have been raised. “We first visited family and acquaintances to ask if they would like to donate,” says Sjoerd Groothuis. “We also visit companies to ask if they want to take care of us.”

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More exercise

Spot’s goal is also to motivate young people to go out and take exercise more often. “I’m at home now and I work out, but at some point it gets really boring. If that was there, I would have exercised a lot. I also meet with friends. It motivates to exercise more,” says Delphine Schoonmann.

“The unique thing about this project is that we allow young people to think about what The Spot should look like from start to finish,” says youth worker Van der Molen. “Ultimately, it’s where they are. I’m proud to see how passionate they are. They really go for it, I think that’s cool.”

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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