The Supreme Court will consider Scotland’s independence referendum in October Abroad

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who wants to lead her region back into the EU after eventual independence, has appealed to the Supreme Court to clarify the legality of the referendum in the absence of approval from Westminster. The British government has steadfastly refused to allow Scotland to vote again. In the coming weeks, both sides will present their arguments in court.

In the first referendum in 2014, a majority of Scots (55 percent) wanted to remain in the UK. However, that was before Brexit, which was rejected by the north of England by a clear majority (62 per cent). So supporters of Scottish independence hope a new vote will have a different outcome.

Earlier, Sturgeon had already announced that she wanted to organize a new independence referendum on October 19, 2023. If the Supreme Court deems it legally impossible for the Scottish Parliament to hold an uncontrolled referendum, it wants to make the next British parliamentary election a de facto referendum.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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