The relevant municipal authority has not received the body of a 66-year-old man who died in an apartment in Vienna, Austria, months ago. However, on 11 November the neighbor had already indicated the resident’s death. “An unfortunate combination of circumstances and a problem with communication,” said the funeral ceremony in the city.
The man was sick for some time when he died on November 11th. He also reported his death to his neighbor, and took care of him from time to time and wasn’t sure if the man had any relatives. So I assumed he had a funeral after that, until I escorted the notary to the apartment on January 27 and saw that the dead body was still in the same place.
“This is an unfortunate combination of circumstances and a problem with communication,” said Nicholas Salzer, director of the municipality’s department authorized to pick up the man. An internal investigation has begun.
They are also looking for family or friends who want to organize a farewell service for him. If they are not found, the municipality will organize a funeral.