A German couple travels the world to recreate famous movie scenes | Homepage

German couple Judith Schneider, 31, and Robin Lachen, 32, have been traveling the world for seven years to imitate scenes from famous films and series. From Game of Thrones to La La Land they do it all. Together they search for the exact filming locations of their favorite movies and series, after which they try to transcribe the scene and capture it on the screen.

In 2014, the couple from Frankfurt, Germany decided it was time for something new. They wanted to find a hobby to their liking. Finally, they came up with the idea of ​​finding the locations of scenes from their favorite movies and series and then imitating the scenes in an image.

Meanwhile, the couple already has nearly 40 thousand followers on Instagram. They are amazed at how many people are interested in their travels, and originally had no intention of sharing their photos on the Internet. However, their friends were always so excited that they finally decided to open their Instagram account in 2018, they entrusted CNN.

Harder than expected

But filming the scenes isn’t as simple as it seems, Schneider and Lachin told CNN. Sometimes it takes hours of research to determine the exact location of the shots, Google Maps is one of their favorite tools for that. The second challenge is the clothes. The couple tries to buy as few things as possible, so they rely on their wardrobe or that of their friends and family. Then they have to get to the place and imitate the scene as accurately as possible. Everything has to be suitable for lighting, angle, background… When the photo is finally taken, they put it online with the original scene.

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Schneider and Lachin both work, so they take their pictures in their spare time. The pair told CNN they don’t always plan their vacation around the movies, even though their favorite movies encourage them to travel to the city where the scenes were filmed.

In the meantime, they’ve re-enacted about 100 scenes, but there are still enough scenes they still want to capture. Below are just a few of them, do you recognize all the scenes?

You can find all their photos on instagram account Secret Famous Places.

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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