Anger in Turkey over a “deal” with the United Kingdom |

Afghan refugees

Turkish opposition leaders were angry at the UK’s plan to establish asylum centers for Afghans in countries such as Pakistan and Turkey.

“Are you the British sub-contractor to save your seat, Mr. Erdogan?” asked the leader of the Ed Meral Aksener party.

Turkish opposition leaders rebuked President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said on August 22 that the UK plans to set up overseas asylum centers for Afghan refugees in countries such as Pakistan and Turkey.

Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu and Good Party leader Meral Aksener took to Erdogan via Twitter to ask if a deal had been made with the UK over Afghans who had fled the Taliban.

My question to Erdogan is: Can the countries with which you have agreements say these things without consulting the Turkish Republic? Or are they just too rude because you two made a deal? asked Kılıçdaroğlu on August 22.

“Which one is true? Be honest for once!” he added.

Erdogan last week urged European countries to take responsibility for migrants from Afghanistan, adding that Turkey had no intention of becoming a “refugee depot in Europe” amid the turmoil in the country following the Taliban takeover.

Kilicdaroglu accuses Erdogan of making deals with foreign countries, particularly the United States, to prevent Afghans from reaching Europe and keeping them in Turkey instead. The main opposition leader urged the president to reveal the terms of the agreements.

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Erdogan, I ask you: How can refugees who are 2,400 kilometers from us threaten us? You said your government controls the borders? Isn’t that right? “We know you’re not checking that on purpose,” the CHP chairman said on August 16.

You acknowledge that you cannot protect the frontier and that you keep your promise [de Amerikaanse president Joe] Kilicdaroglu added, before moving on to ask if a foreign country threatens Erdogan with his personal wealth.

Last week, the United States denied Kilicdaroglu’s allegations about a refugee deal between Erdogan and Biden.

Kilicdaroglu also criticized the United Kingdom on August 22 for letting Afghans die.

“It is inhuman to abandon the Afghans who served you and die. Rest assured that our people will not bear the burden of your irresponsibility. You cannot bring anyone to the bottom of our path!” he said.

Meanwhile, Aksener asked Erdogan if he was making promises to the British for political gain.

“Are you the British sub-contractor to save your seat, Mr. Erdogan?” asked Aksner, a right-wing politician, on August 22.

stricter border policy

Aksner last week reiterated her call for a stricter border policy and said the new influx must be prevented.

“There is no stupider policy than opening the borders,” she said on August 16, noting that Turkey already has more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees.

‘No official request has been transmitted’

The Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a statement on 22 August refuting the UK’s response to the resistance.

“Reports in the British press about plans to establish an asylum processing center for Afghan asylum seekers in Turkey do not reflect the truth,” the ministry said.

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So far, we have not received an official application from any country. “In any case, if there is such a request, we will not agree to it,” the ministry added.

Source: Turkish media

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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