Are you also a “snoozer”? These types of people hit the snooze button Mostly science and the planet

Do you hit the snooze button every morning, maybe even several times in a row? you’re not the only one. In a scientific study, up to 57% of adults got out of bed the first, second, or sometimes even third time. But what does it say about you if you “snooze” too often?

The study of 450 adults showed that women napped more than men. The likelihood of a woman hitting the snooze button is more than 50 percent higher. Night owls also prefer to ignore their alarm clock more than early birds. This also applies to young people. Fatigue does not appear to play a role. How active you are. For every thousand additional steps you take, the chance of being cloudy decreases by 11 percent.

If you feel like you’re usually late to work rather than early, you’re likely falling asleep. People who see nothing but benefits in using the snooze button are usually also snoozers. The non-napping people among us see mainly disadvantages in it. Anyone who likes to toss and turn has a higher heart rate at night, about three beats per minute. Finally, inattentive people also have more light sleep, especially in the hour before waking up.

On average, snoozers remain in bed for just under half an hour after the first alarm (26 minutes).

The most common reasons for staying in bed a little longer are: “I hit the snooze button because I simply can’t wake up at the first alarm” and “It’s too comfortable in my bed.” Additionally, “It makes me feel less tired,” “It feels good to me at that moment,” and “It’s part of my routine” completed the top five. On average, snoozers stay in bed for just under half an hour after the first alarm (26 minutes). For someone who has never hit the snooze button, that’s only 8 minutes.

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The scientists in this study did not investigate whether napping is healthy or unhealthy. They are calling on the scientific community to do so. Especially since the Internet is full of sayings and advice that are often not scientifically proven. They made the comment that having to use an alarm clock is less healthy than waking up yourself. In other words: sleeping more and better instead of pressing the alarm button one or more times is the message.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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