Become a volunteer for a day

Why volunteer? It helps! Learn about the Ghent organizations and roll up your sleeves for a day.

Volunteer Week runs from Saturday February 27th to Sunday March 7th. During that week, Volunteer Point highlighted volunteer work in Ghent through the Digital Volunteer Expo and the Help one day along campaign.

Help for a day in March

Want to roll up your sleeves with Ghent right away? Which can! Between March 8 and March 31, work a day or a half for the Ghent volunteer organization to get to know its operations better.

Fill out the form below. Depending on your preferences, availability, and address, the volunteer point will search for the perfect match in your area.

Digital Volunteer Exhibition

Do you prefer to keep an eye on things and first want to know about the Ghent Show? From Monday March 1 to Saturday March 6, you can learn about more than 40 Ghent volunteer organizations at the Digital Volunteer Gallery.

Volunteering helps me feel the benefit and it gives me satisfaction

Camille, KRAS volunteer

Do you want more volunteering?

Take a look at the Volunteer Point website!

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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