Belfast brings the best of Kenneth Branagh – Cut Edge

“Belfast” (2021)

When a person spends a warm summer evening, in a sad mood with a glass of red wine in hand, thinking of times long gone, what does he think of? In the case of Kenneth Branna, apparently from smashed windows and firebombs in the street while he was playing soccer with his friends. From now on you can enjoy it at home.

The best of Pranag

Belfast tells the story of the illustrious Buddy, who grew up in the capital of Northern Ireland in the 1960s. These are turbulent times for a nine-year-old. While father and mother try to keep their heads above water and the area regularly shakes due to violent conflicts between Protestants and Christians, Buddy just wants to be a kid. His family does everything to give him that, even if it means leaving their beloved city.

“Belfast” is a romantic version of director and screenwriter Kenneth Branagh’s childhood. In the 1990s, Branagh had success with large-scale Shakespearean adaptations, but the younger generation may know him primarily from acting roles such as Gilderoy Lockhart in The second Harry Potter movie Or Hercules Poirot with the thick mustache in the latest cinematic adaptation. He is rightfully considered one of the best actors in the UK.

Branach’s recent behind-the-camera projects have had mixed reviews, although both critics and audiences have been generally positive about “Belfast”. The Oscar-winning script seamlessly transitions between drama and humor and is packed with fun scenes. Branagh put a cheerful British charm into his film. The Maven is also very strong at shooting small spaces and keeps creative shots efficient, without much of a fuss. He makes his personal movie probably his best.

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Fabrizio in Belfast

A movie like this stands or falls not only with the script and direction, but also with the young main character’s acting. If the choice is wrong, credibility quickly drops to the level of a regular life coach session with Fabrizio Zinarides. Fortunately, there is still plenty of young talent in Northern Ireland; The awesome Good Hill is really cool like friends. In fact, the entire cast is perfect, with extreme Judi Dench and criminally underrated Ciaran Hinds as grandma and grandpa. They provide the comedic touch, but above all they have a great dynamic as an older couple. They just make the heart of the movie bigger. And the beautiful black and white photography makes Judi Dench look much older.

The physical Belfast discs have a lot of extras, including a few Deleted scenes To the alternate ending where Kenneth Branagh returns to Belfast as his older friend.

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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