Breaking the mental health taboo is what Avansstudent Pleun wants to do at Dutch Design Week

Pleun Wilting

In addition to Àmber van de Ven, Pleun Wilting, a final year student in Communication and Multimedia Design, is participating in this year’s Dutch Design Week. Through her Levenslicht physical makeup, she draws attention to people with poor mental health, who, despite stigmas and taboos, “share life and thus make room for personal growth.” The subject in which she is closely involved is the same.

“I also went through a period where I didn’t always feel well. I went through periods of feeling lonely, surrounded by friends. It was hard. In that period too, I discovered that I was not alone, and that my colleagues with the same feelings were like me. It is a feeling and I must It is always there. I try to reflect that in my work at Dutch Design Week.”

Pleun participates in Dutch Design Week with her project Levenslicht, which she conceived during a solo project. When her teachers suggested registering the project for a large-scale design event in Eindhoven, it was the beginning of a period of chaos. The project ended on Monday, and registration closed on Wednesday. I worked hard at the time, without expecting to be allowed to participate. Although this may be me Impostor syndromesays Avans student creative, who was pleasantly surprised when she received an email confirming the engagement. A little disbelief mixed with a sense of pride. Then I immediately went to work, because I still had to arrange my own site for the presentation of my work. You just don’t understand it. “go with the wind’That’s how things went, though they were faster.”

Annual episodes
The light of life consists of the visualizations of individual generative data, which are engraved in a naturalistic form on the basis of “life formation experiences”. To do this, I asked twenty people you know and don’t know a number of personal questions, which they had to answer with a value from 1 to 10. I developed a program in which I entered these values, and then converted these values ​​into character visualization slides. This resulted in a physical installation with light animation on three axes, which depicts the “dynamic relationship between past and future, human and natural development”. They have become a kind of annual ring of trees, and during the event these loose slides can also be seen from a container somewhat similar to a classic slide container. There is a slide for each of the twenty people participating that you can look at,” explains Pleun. ”If the growth rings are close together, this is a sign of friction in life. Think about losing a loved one.”

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To the layman, her makeup might seem a bit abstract, Pleun admits. After all, you have to do your best to understand and see her work, which is something older people do not mind at all. ‘Interpretation is part of my job, I don’t want to say everything. People can and can think of it themselves.” “If there is really one person I can help or inspire in my work, that is a plus.”

In addition to showing off her work at the event, Pleun is also hoping to take time to go on an expedition by herself and see what others have achieved. ”It’s also an achievement for them to be at Dutch Design Week. I’d like to see that,” says Pleun, who also hopes to connect with a vision for the future. “Right now, I’m still busy with my graduate and Pre-Masters students, but after that I hope to keep working on creating interactive installations. I know very few people or companies that do, so I hope to meet them.”

Pleun’s work can be seen from October 16 to October 24 at Design Perron in Eindhoven, near Central Station. You can learn more about her project, including the motion pictures and their making process Location.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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