Britain’s exit from the European Union has these consequences for the Premier League

You’ve definitely heard it: Brexit. But did you also know that the UK will leave the European Union on Friday, January 31? Good to know, because all kinds of European rules are going to change for the British. The Premier League couldn’t escape this either.

Well, the rules don’t take effect right away. On Friday, the UK will officially leave the European Union at midnight, but after that there will be a transition until December 31st and everything will remain the same. A good thing too, because the heads of the British Football Association, the Premier League and the government have a lot to discuss. The goal is to have your plan ready by April.

It is true that English clubs will be allowed to select European players under the age of 18 for the last time this summer. This is prohibited worldwide, but there is an exception within the European Union. So the Premier League clubs are expected to chase and offer a contract to anyone with little potential. So watch out for the Dutch clubs!

But then, will European players soon have to fix a work permit to allow them to play in England? If it were up to the Premier League then no, but the British Football Association thinks otherwise. They see Brexit as an opportunity to improve English talent development and want to target no more than 13 foreign players per club – now 17.

Local player
Especially on this point there will be a lot of talk, because the phenomenon of local players (foreign boys who already play in the youth of an English club at a young age and are perceived as “ English ” after a few years) will not exist any more if it is up to the Football Association The foot. We wait and are curious what we will deal with next!

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Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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