British intelligence MI6 is looking for a real “Q”

British intelligence MI6 has announced a vacancy for the role of “Q”, the well-known character from the James Bond films. Now MI6 is looking for someone to fill the role in real life.

Door Quentin

In the movies, “Q” is a hardware specialist who helps Bond get new cars or technology gadgets. The character was played by English actor Ben Whishaw in the last two Bond films, Skyfall (2012) and Specter (2015).

Richard Moore, head of MI6, said in a recent interview with Radio Times that the service is looking for a real “Q.” The person will be responsible for the technical teams within the service.

MI5 also comes out of the shadows

Moore hopes this will make the intelligence service more visible to the general public.

A similar PR stunt at another well-known British security service, MI5: From now on, it allows curious people to have a behind-the-scenes look via Instagram, it was recently announced. Followers will be able to ask questions to active agents and the account will also provide updates on new business opportunities. With the account, MI5 also hopes to be able to say goodbye to some old stereotypes.

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MI5 is mainly concerned with internal security, while MI6 is for external security.

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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