Can we see a partial eclipse?

Tomorrow is the first chance in a few years to see a partial solar eclipse in our country. Does the moon only pass in front of the sun or do cloud fields also pass in front of the sun? In this article you can read all about the weather during the upcoming solar eclipse.

We had to wait a while, but tomorrow is the first chance since 2017 to see a partial solar eclipse from our country. The time is right this time. The moon will shield part of the sun between 11:17 a.m. and 1:25 p.m. The sun is high in the sky this part of the day and can be seen clearly. The last time, the sun had just set and only the beginning of the eclipse appeared. The exact time this Thursday may vary slightly depending on the location in Belgium, but with only a few minutes difference, you’ll probably be fine if you take a look at the sky during your lunch break. You’d think all the signs are green, but what does the weather do?

During the height of the partial eclipse, the moon blocks about 17% of the sun. Photo: Adobe Stock / HaiGala.

Ideal viewing conditions for the solar eclipse

In addition to the favorable time and sun high in the sky, the weather also contributes to the ideal viewing conditions for this partial eclipse. Apart from some clouds or cumulus clouds, there are few clouds and the sun often shines profusely. This makes it very likely that we will be able to see the partial eclipse very well. It is a calm summer with no winds and maximum temperatures between 22 and 27 degrees.

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During a partial eclipse, you should look to the southeast. The Moon will lose the upper right part of the Sun first and then slide further to the left. At the peak it looks as if a bite from the sun is at the top. Then the moon will move more to the left and the sun will be fully visible again after 2:30 in the afternoon.

Eclipse glasses for protection from bright sunlight during a solar eclipse.  Photo: Adobe Stock / Bruno_A

With eclipse glasses, your eyes are protected from bright sunlight. Photo: Adobe Stock / Bruno_A

Watch out for strong sunlight: protect skin and eyes!

At the height of the eclipse, the sun will be 17% obscured by the moon. It will be a little less bright temporarily, but your eyes and skin should still be protected from strong sunlight. If you want to look at the sun, use special eclipse glasses. Regular sunglasses do not protect your eyes enough. No eclipse glasses at home? Do not worry! By making a projection of the sun, for example with a colander and a piece of paper, you can still see it. With the strength of sun 7, sunscreen is useful at this time and during the rest of the day. Unprotected skin can burn with this solar power after 10 to 25 minutes.

Main image: Adobe Stock / Bruno_A

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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