Car parks on the motorway along the E17 will be closed to prevent refugees from climbing into truckloading areas (Krupeki)

Close around the motorway car park on the E17 in Krupeki against all kinds of crime. © TV East


Five years later, a contractor began installing a fence around the parking lot along the E17 in Kroeke. For years, this car park, especially in the direction of Ghent, has been a nuisance of migrants trying to climb onto truckloading areas in an attempt to reach the UK. Now there is a shutdown despite the fact that the problem has decreased significantly.

Peter van Heck

The parking lot on the highway is a desirable area for people smugglers. The parking area along the E17 in Kruibeke is also a hot spot. Since 2016, unregistered immigrants have flooded the parking lot. They have made attempts to climb into truckloading areas in hopes of reaching the UK, with or without the knowledge of the truck driver.

2017 was a particularly dark year in this respect. There were several large-scale police searches, but from the moment the police appeared, the illegals fled in all directions to the fields and nearby fields because there was no closure. From now on, this will be prevented by installing a fence.

Although the problems with immigrants have greatly diminished in recent years, the fences remain. The fence is not just there to address the refugee problem. In the bushes and bushes around the parking lot, many people practice illegal littering and other mysterious things happen regularly. Service roads to the car park will also be closed, stopping traffic. The exact cost of the closure is unknown, but it is estimated in the tens of thousands of euros.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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