Chaos in Japan: Domestic PS5 sales are spinning out of control

It’s still very difficult to get a PS5 console today. Console dearth across the globe is challenging for many players, and you often have to be very quick to get the console. The Japanese retail chain Yodobashi Camera recently witnessed this. The Akihabara subsidiary actually sold the PS5 on a “first come, first served” principle. Looking back, this turns out not to be a smart idea …

according to Kotaku There would have been 300 consoles available, while the customer crowd consisted of a much larger number. When the crowd seemed to realize there would not be enough supplies for everyone, the proverbial hell exploded. The store employees were pushed back by the enormous crowd, which was increasingly crowded together. In the end, the police were forced to intervene and the sale was stopped. You can see some pictures on the video below.

Scenes like this are of course horrific to watch, especially given that the current pandemic is far from over. We all love to play games, but keep it safe!

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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