De Haan invites people over 65 by letter for mass vaccination –

All people over 65 in De Haan will receive a letter of vaccination in the mail these days. The municipality provides free transportation and invites volunteer drivers to report.

Mayor Wilfred Vandeli hopes everyone gets vaccinated © Belga

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But first and foremost, Mayor Wilfred Vandeli advises everyone to get vaccinated. “If you continue to get infected after the injection, it will become less dangerous and the chance that you will end up in the hospital will be much less,” she says. De Haan chose to vaccinate his residents at the Staf Versluys Center in Bredene. “There is a lot of parking there and there are no ladders or elevators.” Mayor Wilfred Vandelli says, of course, it was easier for people from Wenduine and Harendijke to go to Blankenberge and the others to Bredene, but separation was impossible. In Bredene everything is ready in the meantime. But for the next few weeks, we’ll only get a hundred vaccines a week. Not everything is expected to start until April and May, and vaccination will be in full swing by summer. But everything depends on delivering vaccines, ”Vandeli says. 3000 characters in De Haan, 34 percent of the population is over 65. All people over the age of 65 receive a letter in the mail asking city council if they have transportation to go to to go To the vaccination center.The municipality hopes that as many residents as possible will use their car, bike or streetcar. ”But if you don’t really have family or friends to bring them, you can let us know. “We’ll try to help,” says Mayor Vandelli. Some employees and municipal vehicles will be used for this purpose, as well as volunteer drivers. Those wishing to work as a volunteer driver can register and receive a kilometer allowance, as a total of 3,000 letters were sent to people over the age of 65. “Everyone will receive a letter from the Flemish government and set an appointment. Today, residential care centers have already been vaccinated and it is now the turn of the medical profession,” Vandeli says. Signs of the vaccination center have been posted in several places in the municipality. De Haan and Bredene agreed to provide an equal number of employees for the center (administration, reception, hosts …) Fifty Volunteers “In the first phase, we will work with municipal employees, and volunteers will be added later. At the height of vaccination, De Haan had to provide 40 employees. Plus the people who run our “vaccination line” who are drivers. So count on fifty people. It’s a huge challenge. ” Vandaele highlights the fact that not all of them will be used at the same time. “We are creating a group of forty people that we can benefit from. All of these people will be deployed for a number of days or parts of the day between now and fall. The vaccination takes place 7/7 and between 11 am and 8 pm. Every day there are two teams for each vaccination line – Four lines when fully used, “he says. De Haan also used a special phone number for vaccinations: 059 24 21 00. The number can be called every morning (Monday through Friday). There is also a special email address: [email protected]. (WK)

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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