Diplomatic battle between England and China over Hong Kong

China announced on Friday that it was no more British National (Foreign) –Passport as a valid travel document or identification. That decision follows the conclusion that Hong Kongers with such a passport will be able to live and work very easily in the UK from Sunday.

The Chinese decision comes just hours after the British announced that applications for the so-called BN (O) visa would begin to be accepted from Sunday. There are almost Half a million Holders of BN (O) Passport. They and their caregivers can apply for a visa that allows them to live and work in the UK for five years. After that period, they can apply for UK citizenship.

“London’s attempt to convert a large group of Hong Kongs into British second-class citizens has completely changed the nature of the BN (O)’s original object for both parties,” Beijing said. “This move is a serious violation of China’s sovereignty, a serious interference in Hong Kong’s state affairs and China’s domestic policy, and a serious violation of international law and the fundamental standards of international relations,” the country added.

That is why China will no longer recognize a BN (O) passport. According to the news agency, there are Hong Kongers Andhra Multiple passports.

A Chinese Hong Kong passport and a BN (O) passport. Many people with a BN (O) passport have another passport.
Photo: A.P.

Hong Kong Security Act

The introduction of the BN (O) visa makes it clear that London is responsible for the fate of its former Crown Colony residents. The United Kingdom ruled Hong Kong for more than 150 years until the area was ceded to China in 1997. In Sino-British Joint Declaration Beijing promised that it would not change Hong Kong’s high autonomy for at least 50 years after handing over the former British colony. That promise is enshrined in the Hong Kong Constitution.

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The report also includes a PN (O) passport. At the time, Hong Kongers of such status could only travel to the United Kingdom for six months, without the right to live or work there. They too could not become full citizens. In addition, applicants had to be born before 1997.

The pressure to extend the law increased as China increasingly restricted political life in Hong Kong. London has called for a controversial security law to be passed last year, which is in clear conflict with the agreements reached between the two countries in Hong Kong. Within hours of the strict law coming into force, 370 Hong Kongers had already been arrested. The law goes a long way, thanks to the law of secret trials without arbitration (Article 41).

Johnson: ‘I’m so proud’

The UK is running late Government website Be aware that this protection law is the direct cause of BN (O) visas. “The Chinese government has changed the conditions under which BN (O) citizens find themselves through its actions, and it is right that we are changing the rights associated with BN (O) status,” he said.

In an official statement, Prime Minister Boris Johnson added, “I am very proud of this new way for Hong Kong PN (O) to come to work and live in our country. ‘In this way we value our deep historical ties and friendship with the people of Hong Kong. We stand for independence and autonomy, the most important values ​​for both the UK and Hong Kong. ‘

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Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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