Dutch “Voice” victim was informed at the last minute that she was not allowed to participate in a conversation in the House of Representatives | showbiz

showbizDutchman Ninke Wijnhoven, one of the victims of the “The Voice” scandal, was not allowed to attend at the last minute a hearing of the Parliamentary Committee on Education, Culture and Science at the end of February. “The way it has been handled in this regard is anything but cautious.”

The singer who reported sexually dissenting behavior to band leader Jeroen Rietbergen during her appearance on ‘The Voice of Holland’ In the 2017-2018 season, she was initially invited by the House Committee to speak about her talent show experience. This invitation was later withdrawn. The session consisted of three roundtable discussions that invited top RTL men (Sven Sauvé) and Talpa (Paul Römer), NPO President Frederieke Leeflang, singer Aafke Romeijn and talent scout Basja Chanowski.

Neinke Wijnhoven’s lawyer, Sebas Dijkstra confirms: “The client was already invited and later received the message that she was no longer welcome in the House. The way she handled this is anything but cautious. The client has her experiences in practiceYou want to share The Voice with MPs. Among other things, how things went behind the scenes and candidates were never informed of the possibilities to file a report or complaint about misconduct. She also wanted to explain why she never wanted to say anything about what had happened to her. which her concerns played a role, such as the potential damage to her career as an artist. But in addition to this, she could also tell us why she later behaved well in the direction of the people involved and even expressed herself very positively in public. The latter despite the fact that she knew she was in fact merely the victim of a serious sexual crime.”

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A spokesman for the House of Representatives confirmed that Ninke Wijnhoven’s invitation had been withdrawn. “We later found out that she is subject to legal action. We want to prevent this from inadvertently affecting.”

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Attorney Sebas Dijkstra also criticizes the fact that there is still no independent and impartial investigation into the abuse: “Currently, there are many victims who do not want to take a step to the police, but certainly do not want to speak to one of the (van Dorn) law firms that the producer has hired to conduct Internal and partial investigation. We must not leave these victims out in the open, but we must give them the opportunity to report to an independent and impartial body so that we can tell their story, anonymously or otherwise.”

“Over the past few days, I’ve heard people say on TV that only three months have passed and we can’t really expect results, especially if the studies are done carefully. When people say that, they clearly have no idea how many victims have yet to come forward simply because they They don’t feel safe enough to take this step. And how can you conduct a thorough and thorough investigation if you already know that you have a completely incomplete picture?”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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