Five questions about retinal detachment

Black flakes, flashes of light, or a curtain partially sliding over your image, like at the end of a play. Retinal detachment appears suddenly. Taking action quickly is a must.

1. What happens with retinal detachment?

Ophthalmologists, Dr. , which leads to the start of tightening of the retina. This is a normal phenomenon of aging. But with this drag, the chance of a rupture is 10 to 15%. If observed in time, it can be repaired efficiently by laser treatment. The vitreous mixture cannot pass through the hole. If the tear is left untreated, the vitreous humor can pass and the retina can detach. You don’t have pain from it, but there are three other distinct alarm symptoms. Such as seeing black flakes, spiders, tufts, dots, flashes of light, or a curtain moving slowly or quickly in front of your field of vision, as well as the central part (the macula or the macular…

Ophthalmologists, Dr. , which leads to the start of tightening of the retina. This is a normal phenomenon of aging. But with this drag, the chance of a rupture is 10 to 15%. If observed in time, it can be repaired efficiently by laser treatment. The vitreous mixture cannot pass through the hole. If the tear is left untreated, the vitreous humor can pass and the retina can detach. You don’t have pain from it, but there are three other distinct alarm symptoms. Such as seeing black scales, spiders, tufts, dots, flashes of light, or a curtain moving slowly or quickly in front of your field of vision. If the central part (macula or macular) of the retina also detaches, it can deteriorate rapidly. paying off. The macula provides visual acuity. “When you notice these alarm signals, it is best to go to the eye doctor as soon as possible – within 24 hours. Many people mistakenly believe that it will go away on its own or that it will resolve with glasses. But prompt diagnosis and treatment are key to preserving your vision. If there is a retinal detachment, surgery is always necessary. Retinal relaxation makes your eye lose its strength and causes all kinds of complications. In the long run, it can lead to poor eyesight or even blindness. The standard treatment for people over the age of 50 is what’s called a vitrectomy. We work on the inside of your eye, where the vitreous is removed. With the help of a special fluid, we return the retina to its rightful place, after which the retina is repaired again with a laser. At the end of the procedure, when the fluid has to be removed, we place a temporary gas or oil-based filler in your eye. This is necessary to keep the retina in place and allow it to grow again. The gas bubbles disappear on their own after two and a half weeks. During this period, your vision is limited and you are not allowed to experience pressure differences (not on the mountains or on an airplane). You should also keep your head upright for the first few days after the procedure. With the oil filling, which is mainly used in cases of retinal detachment that exist for a longer period, you must go under the knife again afterwards. After vitrectomy, people over 50 years of age have cataract surgery within a year. In people who already have a cloudy lens (cataract), both procedures sometimes occur simultaneously. There is a 95% chance that your vision will return to its original level. A lot depends on the condition of your stain. If left untouched, the results are very good. With the macula transformed, the chance of a full recovery is slightly lower. We can put the macula right again, but often your vision is less sharp than before. Abnormalities can also occur. The final result is only available after six months. And up to a year after the procedure, your vision may still improve slightly. Age plays a role. Retinal detachment most often occurs in people between the ages of 50 and 70, and it occurs more often in men than in women. Nearsighted people, who do not see well from a distance, are often affected. If you have a detachment in one eye, there is a 10% chance that the other eye will be affected as well. Aside from regular checkups, there is unfortunately nothing you can do preventively. In addition, the cause of the separation can be traumatic. Cataract surgery can also sometimes lead to separation.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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