From abroad to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Elizabeth Truss is leaving her new position as Secretary of State.AFP photo

With tremendous enthusiasm, barely hampered by the coronavirus measures, Liz Truss has toured the world in the past two years as Minister of International Trade. The love of wanderlust has not only led to 63 business deals, but has also led to a series of touring snapshots on Instagram. Like the photo showing Truss in Sydney, sitting on a British folding bike, sheltering from the rain under a large Union Jack canopy.

Her tireless commitment to “global Britain” has won the hearts of Conservative supporters. Not just this. Boris Johnson has seen approval from Downing Street and decided to promote Truss on Wednesday in a major reorganization of his government. Elizabeth Marie Truss is now Secretary of State, the second woman to hold this high position. It’s a great stage for the 46-year-old to be raising awareness for her brand, because her eyes are so focused on the main prize: the premiership.

The main theme of Johnson’s so-called cabinet reshuffle was the replacement of thinkers with doers. In addition, for the purpose of the upcoming election, Johnson wanted to get rid of all ministers who were posted negatively last year. Truss’ predecessor Dominic Raab, for example, will regret continuing to sunbathe in Crete during the Afghan crisis. Johnson’s cabinet reshuffle led to the creation of a Conservative government in which ethnic minority women and Britons are in the majority.


Truss, like Johnson, is an outsider within the ruling party. Not many Conservative foreign ministers have campaigned for unilateral nuclear disarmament in the past. Proof of her “childhood sin” is a black and white photo of her as a young girl standing with her parents and two siblings behind a sign reading “Paisley CND”. Paisley is the Scottish town where I grew up, and CND stands for Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

She did not follow the political views of her mathematician father and nurse mother. During her school years in her hometown of Oxford, she initially joined the Liberal Democrats, but turned to the Conservatives due to dissatisfaction with the pro-European character of this party. Within those circles she would develop into a new Thatcher, with her love of low taxes, small government and free markets. She is now the flag bearer of the libertarian wing.


It benefited from David Cameron’s decision to diversify the party. One way was to select young women for seats in the House of Commons. And so Truss, hitherto a chancellor in south London, became the country people of southwest Norfolk. She made a name for herself within the group by working on the article collection Britannia Unchained: Global Lessons for Growth and Prosperity. This Thatcherian course is a plea for more free trade, deregulation, and better education in a subject like mathematics.

As well as the idea in the book, the UK should no longer fit in as a contented sub-leader within Europe and a middle-motor in the world order, but should present itself as an important player on the world stage. The Tiger countries of the Far East should be the land, not the European Union. Co-authors included three current Cabinet colleagues: Priti Patel, Kwasi Kwarting, and the aforementioned Rapp. Unlike this trio, Truss was against Brexit in the referendum. But now she has become one of the most fanatical supporters.

Her progress within the party went well. Prior to taking the position of International Trade from Johnson, she served as Secretary of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Justice, as well as Secretary of State for the Treasury. As a liberal, she views with suspicion the increasing role of the state under its pragmatic president. She was against Johnson’s recent decision to raise taxes. Within the Cabinet, Truss expressed her displeasure, but did not jeopardize her career by causing a riot.

arms export

Truss has some disabilities. She has to deal with arrogance, for example, because she went to a regular public school and talks so little. Moreover, she is not a good talker. An inadvertently funny video clip shows her angrily discovery that Britain imports two-thirds of its cheese during a party convention that haunts her. Doubts have also been raised about her moral compass because the arms were supplied to Saudi Arabia under her command, despite the export ban.

At the State Department, she will have to deal with skeptical officials, who will not be charmed by her hostile attitude toward China. Like Trump, Truss believes that this powerful country has an unfair advantage because the World Trade Organization still classifies China as a “developing country.” Her first act as a senior diplomat was to praise Britain’s defense alliance with Australia and the United States, in part to keep China in check.

3 x Les Truss

Liz Truss, who also holds the position of Women and Equality, in addition to being Secretary of State, has developed into a fashion icon in recent years. She is distinguished by her colorful clothes, which has secured her many followers on social media. “I say what I want and wear what I want,” she said in an interview. times.

Her rival for the leadership of the party is Finance Minister Rishi Sunak. He is charming and calm, while Truss is not always comfortable in social settings. However, she has more support among her group mates, because Sunak is not really a ‘callable’, as the English call her untranslatable, and is not a social animal.

The most prominent newcomer to the Cabinet is Nadine Doris as Minister of Digital, Culture, Media and Sports. This outspoken former nurse gained national fame nine years ago through her participation in the popular reality series I’m a celebrity…get me out of here! It was suspended by the party.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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