Genk chat banks bring people together

During the 10-day mental health event, the City of Genk, in collaboration with Logo Limburg, is highlighting the theme of ‘Encounter’. There are chat tables all over Genk: crowded seats where Genk residents meet to have a good conversation. The goal of this initiative is to make mental health a topic of discussion. You can discover chatterboxes from October 1-10.

A 10-day mental health event is held every year and this year its theme is ‘Meet’. “We have lost warm contact with each other a lot because of the pandemic. Moreover, he recently made it clear how important mental health and mental health are. Banks all over Genk are getting an upgrade: an extra pillow covered in mosaics with stones or painted in bright colors. There is no topic to talk about ? There is a sign on each bank with a question to start the conversation,” explains Alderman Social Welfare Rhea Grundiers.

what’s up
Just like last year, the OverKop House staff organizes “What’s Up” in the afternoon. On October 6 they will move their seats to Genk City Square. Young people can settle here to chat with an OverKop employee or take a picture at the photo booth.

“From our experience, we know that a conversation in which you are together physically also has tremendous added value. Not everything has to be done via social media,” says Zoe Wakato, of OverKop’s home in Genk. “There are fun tasks around mental health waiting for Genk’s guys. Next they receive a receipt where they can drink a free cup of soup at OverKop’s house on Rondpunt 26.”

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Seniors workshop
Under the direction of artist Martin Kindermans, a “It’s Raining On My Nose” workshop for seniors will be held on Wednesday 6 October at the Ter Hooie Service Center. They receive tips to creatively transform their feelings, thoughts and ideas into a work of art. For example, older Genk depict sensitive subjects in a positive way.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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