GTA 5 Next-Gen Review – Buy, Budget or Demolish?

It is already more than 10 years Since the announcement of GTA V. And now, a decade later, we still haven’t finished the game. A new version has been released. This time the new PS5 and Xbox Series X/S release. JJ was the only one on the editorial board who hadn’t played the game yet. Impatient ten years ago. Now he did and wanted to know if the magic of the game was still there. How was his experience? Is it still great to play ten years later? What is updated in this update? Has GTA Online been processed? And what does it cost? For example, if you already have a PS4 or Xbox One version? Is it a purchase, a budget box, or a scrap? You see and hear it all in this GTA V next-gen review.

Review of the next generation of GTA V

With so many open world games of late, you can legitimately ask if there is still room for a game that is almost ten years old. Can the game stand the test of time? And how did things improve on Xbox Series X and PS5? How much does the game cost and can you get the upgrade for free as the owner of the “legacy” version? And will this be the last GTA 5 review ever? Or will Rockstar take the PS6 as well…

Buy, budget fund or demolish

We also want to know what JJ’s experience was? The guy is still a noob in GTA 5. Has he seen the greatness of the single player mode? How did you feel when playing with Michael, Trevor and Franklin for the first time? Did she give the same kick as the original players in 2013? Is the story still relevant today? You will see and hear everything in this GTA V next gen review. Will it be a buy, a budget fund, or a demolition?

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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