Health Alliance Chooses – Nederweert24

At the council meeting on February 9th, the design of the rural environmental vision was adopted. The environmental vision indicates what the municipality will work on in rural areas in the coming years. This includes planting new green spaces, demolishing old stables, and new developments that we are allowing in the countryside. During the meeting, JAN Alliance, Nederweert Anders and D66 Nederweert clearly chose health promotion, which is one of the spears in this alliance. They submitted three proposals for this.

Environmental vision of the remote area

Withdrawal of unused permits
Nederweert Anders segment submitted a proposal to withdraw unused passes. This will cancel the (agricultural) permits that have not been used for 3 years. Party leader Ria Steinen explains why:After years of discussions over (theoretical) account models, we have finally made the decision and are revoking the old, unused passes. Companies that have not carried out any activity for more than 3 years (but are included in the account forms) will lose their license. This gives us a better view of the actual situation in Nderwirt.

Improving air quality
Improving air quality is an important topic for coalition parties. “If we want to drastically reduce odor and particulate emissions from Nederweert’s livestock farming, you shouldn’t ignore this, but be clear and include this goal concretely in the environmental vision.. He made a proposal to focus on significantly reducing particulate emissions and odors in developments in intensive livestock farming, said Marcel Vossen, Chairman of JAN Group.

Use smoking cessation charts
The D66 Nederweert faction pointed to the opportunities provided by national takeoff plans for the municipality. Group president Martin Van Montfort spoke of an everyone win-win situation:Many agricultural companies are struggling financially. A smoking cessation regime can provide opportunities for them. At the same time, livestock is reduced, resulting in reduced particulate, odor and nitrogen emissions. This ensures cleaner air.Make a proposal to encourage companies to make more use of these schemes.

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Tightening environmental visibility
The environmental vision for the remote area was created after an intense process that involved a great deal of participation from residents and interest groups. The three proposals of the coalition parties can depend on the support of the majority of the Council. In doing so, they sharpened the insight on these three points.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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