Health, Kongsvinger District | Promise to be an optimist

Everything indicates that Norway’s reopening plan can go according to plan. Then we have to put up with the side effects, such as higher borrowing rates.

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Now you should be an optimist. The sun is shining, there are rumors that Swedish trade will “open the borders” in a few weeks, and Deputy Director of Health Espen Nakstad – the man we saw in person for the latest development news – says there’s no reason to think there will be any delay in reopening plans .

As always, reservations are made. The epidemic can still take unexpected roles Three important factors are Erna Solberg & co. See as they think about the next step in their four-step plan: how many have been infected, how big are the hospitals and how many we’ve been able to vaccinate. We now have good control. If it continues like this, we won’t have to put off the reopening plan.

The second step of the plan was implemented on May 27. So we can expect the third step to start on June 17th. This means regular influx times for nightclubs, up to 20 guests in private homes, and up to 1,000 people gathered for indoor public events, provided certain conditions are met.

Normalizing everyday life also means normalizing other factors around us. Interest rates for example. Many people have benefited from the lower lending rates, but they will rise again soon. In a recent Statistics Norway (SSB) report published on June 4, the agency simply opened, “It’s working now.” Moreover, Statistics Norway stated: “The vaccination of the population has come a long way and the reopening of society will give a significant boost to economic activity in Norway going forward. The first rate hike is likely to come in September.”

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Everything is ready for the economy to recover sharply in the future, says Thomas von Brach, a researcher at Statistics Norway.

On another halo-like summer dawn, we no longer glimpse the light at the end of the tunnel – we are about to go out again in broad daylight. If we don’t stumble on the running side, the finish line is finally within reach.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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