Health Zaanstreek – Waterland in numbers, also for every municipality

Photo: Pixabay / Geralt

How happy are the children? What is the percentage of those who drink a lot among adults? What about the athletic behavior of the elderly? Answers to these and many health questions about Zanstad residents The rest of the area can now be found at New website from GGD.

Example with data on the elderly in Zanstad.

It’s a website with all kinds of numbers that have emerged from the results of health surveys conducted by the GGD in recent years among residents of the Zaanstrek-Waterland region. On the site you can search by topic and by four target groups. You can compare municipalities or use the region as a comparison. For Zanstad, among other things, there are also figures that zoom in on smaller areas within the municipality.

It is also possible to download reports for each municipality. These prepared reports contain an overview of the health numbers, including differences over time. Additional information on topics is also provided in the form of in-depth information, policies and interventions. All data from the studies can also be found at Information bank, where you can create your own visualizations.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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