Hermann Goossens: “Don’t hesitate and test whoever Ver …

Professor of Microbiology Hermann Goossens (UA)

According to microbiology professor Hermann Goossens, our country should start testing all travelers from the UK as soon as possible. “It could be done very quickly and I’m not going to have any doubts anymore,” he says on Het Journaal on VRT.

Hermann Goossens believes that everyone who enters our country should be tested. “Better than presenting a negative result, I will take the test here,” he says. “I will take a test on the first day, send them to quarantine and then retest again on the seventh day. There is fraud in the certificates, and there are also quick tests that are not all equally reliable. I prefer to be tested when I arrive in our country.”

Test center at the airport

But it turned out that it wasn’t that easy. “This is really difficult for some countries, but you can organize it easily and quickly for the UK. You can place a test center at the airport and in the south of Brussels, where trains arrive and you can also make arrangements with Calais.”

Is all this possible so fast, even during this vacation? “For those who are on vacation now, it’s hard to arrange it quickly. But for the UK, it’s possible because it’s on an island. I won’t hesitate.”

Been seen

The Goossens believe that we will not be able to keep the English variant out of our country, even if we tighten our measures. “We will not be able to keep this alternative out, it probably already exists. It has been able to spread to London and the surrounding areas since the beginning of September. But I think you can control it. To be honest, I have a deja vu feeling: this is very similar to the situation.” It’s March in Italy. It’s really fast. “

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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