How Unhealthy Is Charcuterie? Health and science

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Bacon, ham, salami, pie, pork sausage, minced meat, American filet … They are served in some homes almost daily. But more and more studies are showing that excessive intake of this type of processed meat increases the risk of colon cancer. We read that in talent June 27.

reality check

Nitrates are added to processed meats, which increase the risk of colon cancer to some extent. This is clear from the research. However, it is uncertain to what extent restricting processed meats may affect the number of colon cancers. Research shows that a very large group of people should consume less processed meat over a long period of time to avoid a single case of colon cancer. Better to focus on being overweight: Obesity in men, in particular, increases the risk of colon cancer.

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Where does this news come from?

According to the June 27, 2023 Knack Journal, more and more studies are emerging that Exposure to nitrate compounds through processed meat It could lead to one Higher risk on serious health problemslike Colon Cancer (1).

  • Nitrates become nitrites on our Added nutrition Under code E249 to E252, among others in Charcuterie.
  • This is it Prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms.
  • Some countries, such as Denmark and France, already have it stricter standards imposed on processed meat manufacturers.

Researchers investigate bandage between Nitrate compounds in foods and beverages And Colon Cancer (2).

  • This research question makes perfect sense, since harmful substances Possible in foods and drinks digestive cells be able to to sabotage.
  • The researchers conducted a Literature study Outside.
  • They are found in total 40 observational studieswho investigated the link between nitrates and nitrites and colon cancer.
  • When studies compared the highest amount of nitrate compounds in foods and beverages with the lowest, then rose He. She risk on Colon Cancer to 36%.
  • It is important to have it Nitrate content in the water He. She risk of colon cancer I did as well to raise.
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Based on the observational research, the researchers determined that A Limited increase Colon cancer risk from nitrate compounds in the diet.


(1) How harmful are the E numbers in processed meat? Kanak, June 27, 2023.

How do you explain this news?

Charcuterie nitrate compounds Those who work in search of a Limited increase by risk of colon cancer can bother.

  • The question is: Will restricting processed meats, as recommended by the Supreme Council of Health, reduce the number of colon cancers (3)?
  • The problem is that many studies compare the risk of colon cancer from high consumption with low consumption.
    • This actually says little about one Moderate consumption.
    • In addition, we will provide recommendations Especially consumers who eat a lot of processed meatwhich is very doubtful.
  • The second point in Feasibility of this recommendation.
    • To prevent one case of colon cancer, 2,610 adults should eat 20 grams less of red meat each day for 10 years, or 1,740 people should eat 20 grams less of processed meat (4).
    • This is because most people don’t get colon cancer anyway, and so limit their charcuterie intake to nothing.
    • Previous research has shown that there is no difference between vegetarians and meat eaters in terms of the number of colon cancers (5).
  • Finally in the case of obesity More efficient for weight loss To reduce the risk of colon cancer.
    • bee men Does obesity increase the risk of colon cancer 30 to 70% increaseThe same goes for the risk of other cancers (6).
    • From a social point of view, it seems interesting to invest the limited resources in the recommendations with the highest returns, namely the prevention of obesity, especially in children.
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Nitrates are added to processed meats, which increase the risk of colon cancer to some extent. This is clear from the research. However, it is uncertain to what extent restricting processed meats may affect the number of colon cancers. Research shows that a very large group of people should consume less processed meat over a long period of time to avoid a single case of colon cancer. Better to focus on being overweight: Obesity in men, in particular, increases the risk of colon cancer.

  • (2) Seyyedsalehi MS, Mohebbi E, Tourang F, et al. Association of dietary nitrate, nitrite, and N-nitroso compounds and gastrointestinal cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. toxins. 2023 Feb 17; 11 (2): 190.
  • (3) Red meat and processed meat prepared with red meat and colorectal cancer prevention: Abstract (Dec 2013) (SHC 8858).pdf (
  • (4) Mullie P, Guillot G, Pizot C, Autier P, Boyle P. Efforts to prevent breast and colorectal cancer through changes in dietary patterns. Eur J Public Health. 2021 Apr 24; 31 (2): 355-360.
  • (5) Doesn’t a diet low in red meat reduce the risk of colon cancer? Health and science
  • (6) Bardot M, Roland A, Martel M, Loufroy R, Barcon AN, Chappelle N. Article review: Obesity and colorectal cancer. There is a food pharmacol. 2022 Aug; 56 (3): 407-418.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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