Hundreds of Belgians remain stranded in Kabul

475 people “under the responsibility of Belgium” are still detained in the Afghan capital, Kabul. This is evident from a State Department statistic, writes Le Soir.

The population of 475 is about 270 Belgians and their families. The other 200 are people who need protection, such as the people who worked for our country and human rights activists.

Of the 475 people Belgium is still trying to evacuate, 150 had already heard their voices before the Red Kite rescue operation, which ended on August 26. The rest did not reach the Belgian embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan until after that date. “The list has continued to grow ever since,” said the Foreign Facilities Protection Agency, which continues to monitor cases and try to find solutions for people trapped in Kabul.

What solutions will not be disclosed for security reasons. When the Red Kite ended, it said in an official press release: “The Defense will continue to deploy its existing network of liaison officers and defense attaches to monitor the evolving situation in Afghanistan and maintain close contacts with our partner countries, including Germany, France, the Netherlands and the United States, to follow up.”

At that time, there were only 180 Belgians (or people working in our country).

Read also: ‘The evacuation was as messy with us as it was with the Dutch’

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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