“I am concerned about the health of the teacher,” not everyone is happy with the reopening of schools

Dan Weststraat teaches Group Six at De Kraats Elementary School in Bennekom. He would have preferred that schools remain closed. “I am very concerned about my health and the health of my colleagues,” he confirms.

This is mainly due to the advancement of the British halo variant. “Two thirds of the infections are the British type. We all think the infection will decrease, but the British alternative is advancing. But we are opening up, and that is kind of relaxation. It worries me.”

“The teachers are anxious”

Nicole Ter Harmsel of the Association for Public Education (Aob) notes that more teachers are anxious. “So they choose to stay home on Monday. Our advice to them is to talk to their manager and come up with a good date together.”

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Ter Harmsel notes that there are mainly concerns about the guidelines that will be applied in schools. “For example, it is still unclear how to open up. Should teachers stay away from children, should students sit in pairs and play outside in small groups? If that is more apparent, then teachers will work with feeling.”

She cannot wait to start over. “I feel like teaching where I belong.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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