King Willem-Alexander: Philip’s living personality made an immortal appearance | Prince Philip: 1921-2021

CommentsKing Willem-Alexander and Maxima pay their last respects to the British royal family. Other royal families also mourn the death of Prince Philip.

“We remember with great respect his Royal Highness Prince Philip. He dedicated his long life to the service of the British people and to his many duties and responsibilities. His living personality made an indelible impression. Our loving feelings of compassion go to His Majesty Queen Elizabeth and all members of the royal family.” Said the Orange House via the Government Information Service.

“On behalf of the Cabinet, I extend my condolences to Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the sad news of the death of Prince Philip,” Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on Twitter. “I wish the British royalty and the British people more strength in this time of mourning.”

Abroad, too, there is a sad response to Philip’s death. The Belgian royal family says this is very sad. “We extend our deepest condolences to His Majesty the Queen, the British Royal Family and the people of the United Kingdom,” King Philip and Queen Modilde wrote.

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A Norwegian court on Friday ruled that King Harold and his family had partially hung flags at a palace in Oslo. “Our thoughts go to the immediate family of Prince Elizabeth and Prince Philip who died. Our condolences also go to the British people,” Harold said in a statement.

“The Queen and I were devastated by the death of the Duke of Edinburgh and his Royal Highness. Prince Philip has been a good friend of our family for many years and we greatly appreciate this relationship,” said Swedish King Carl Gustaf in a statement. Inspiration ‘The King calls out. “We send our heartfelt condolences to His Majesty the Queen, the Royal Family and everyone in England.”

Charity work

The Head of Government of India Narendra Modi paid tribute to the late Prince by mentioning his military career and charitable work. “Let his soul rest in peace.” Modi’s thoughts are with the British people and the royal family.

On Twitter, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison sent his love and condolences to His Majesty and his family. “The prince includes a generation we will never see again,” he said of Philip, who has been to Australia more than twenty times. In Australia flags are hung on half masts.

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European Commission President Ursula van der Leyen announced the tragedy via Twitter. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the prince would miss so much.


Philip died ‘peacefully’ at Windsor Castle this morning, Elizabeth announced ‘with great sorrow’. The website says more announcements will be made ‘in a timely manner’. “The royal family mourns this loss with people around the world.”

Philip, who turned 100 in June, had been suffering from health problems for some time. He was recently hospitalized due to infection and heart condition.

Ferdinand Woolridge

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