Labor will not expect major changes in UK relations with EU – Khair Stormer | Khair Stormer

Labor will create a clear gap from its divisions in Europe and does not expect major changes in the UK’s relationship with the EU. Khair Stormer Told the Guardian that Labor promised to shift its focus to “Britain in the 2030s” rather than the 2016 wars.

Tony Blair’s election slogan was raised earlier as “no turning back” Vote on the post-Brexit trade agreement, Stormer said he wanted to lead a party that focused on the future – adding that Europe was unlikely to even feature in his party’s election leaflets.

The Labor The leader said his first year goal was to ask voters about the party’s general election loss, adding that his party would now begin to articulate its vision for the future. Labor Government. Stormer said it would be 2021 to define his vision and values ​​as the future prime minister – the economy and the NHS.

At a party for his angry backbone, Dozens of them are expected to refuse to approve the Conservative agreement, Stormer said he knew there would be tough choices, but said voting for the deal would bring some closures.

Johnson has often sought Stormer as a “remaining lawyer” and one of the most outspoken lawyers for a second referendum under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn. But Stormer said he would now define his own image.

“I firmly believe that the next general election will be fought on the basis of our rules, not someone else’s rules,” he said. “We left the EU, the rest / leave argument is over. One of the reasons for voting on the agreement is to allow it to close. In our general election campaign in 2024, we will be the Labor Party that looks to the future and the government of the future, not the one that looks behind us.”

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In his interview, Stormer warned of the crisis facing the NHS and schools next month, saying the UK was “cutting the barrel” of a third lockout in January.

Labor will try to amend the bill to implement the trade agreement from 11pm on December 31, including additional protections on labor and environmental standards and support for business preparation, but nothing is likely to succeed. With Labor’s support, Johnson’s deal is likely to pass easily – even though the Liberal Democrats, SNP and DUP have said they will vote against it.

Stormer indicated that he was confident of the need to vote on the deal – and supported his decision to announce Labor’s position shortly after the deal was announced.

“I was up to my ears in the details Proxy Negotiations, ”he said. “I read everything available in the negotiation stages and their details. We had a very good idea of ​​what this deal would look like – reading every turn and study over four years, this way.”

The Labor leader faced some criticism from his backbenchers for shaping the vote as a choice between the deal and any deal – to avoid many voting and to block any implicit approval.

“If you vote against it, you do not vote for any agreement. That is the indescribable position of the SNP. As a result, if they win, there will be no agreement.”

Stormer said accepting that if Labor enters government in 2024 it will remain in place. “It’s a difficult choice, and I totally understand it.”

“We are voting tomorrow in the mood for the next general election in 2024. If we come to government in 2024 – I hope we will – we will get this deal. The public in Britain expects us to implement this deal.”

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Stormer said neither Europe nor Brexit could play a role in the 2024 election campaign – or as featured in any Labor MPs’ election leaflets – despite the possibility of reviewing the agreement in 2024, which is mentioned in the current agreement.

“This is not very possible. The focus will be on Britain and Britain’s role in the world,” he said.

“If we are still arguing in 2024 what happened in the last four years, for me we are facing the wrong path.”

Stormer said there was a case for Labor to develop in the coming months and years about ways to improve the UK’s relationship with the EU, including access to security data and the ability of artists and musicians to operate across Europe. “But there will be no hunger to negotiate the whole deal again.”

Stormer plans to turn 2021 into a more active year for Labor’s policy presentation, but was wary of making firm promises about what the party’s next statement will look like.

“We’re still four years away from a general election,” he said. “But my priority is to go next year, and by 2024 the center of our argument will be the economy.”

He is reluctant to specify exactly what that offering is, but the primary focus is on jobs and “how we support good business and good jobs … I do not mean pay, it means dignity in jobs – and how we support the economy in different regions and countries.”

Stormer finds Boris Johnson trying to fight Labor rules, where new Tories on the red wall can point to infrastructure and high street investment in their seats. But Stormer said he hopes this drive will be cosmetic. “Equalization will become a version of David Cameron’s big society, words that mean nothing or achieve nothing,” he said.

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“There is no balance when the government fights Andy Burnham in the North West. If the Prime Minister thinks that creating odd stuff in places across Britain and pasting a photo of a Tory MP in it is tantamount, he is misrepresenting anything he can achieve.”

Stormer’s second – and most obvious – fall from infection and its effect on the NHS. “We are the country with the highest number of deaths from coyotes in Europe and the deepest recession of any major economy,” he said.

“We are only a few weeks away from that second lock. We are effectively looking at the barrel of the third lock. Everyone understands that the government makes mistakes in trying to deal with an epidemic, but the government that makes mistakes again is really incompetent.”

Stormer said he knew his biggest challenge as leader of the opposition was to continue – “supporting the government where it needs to do so and criticizing and challenging where it needs to do so.”

As the barriers to the epidemic begin to ease, Stormer said he hopes to spend most of 2021 on the road. “We firmly believe that I will be going out to different places in the UK at least twice a week, mainly going to places where we need to get votes where we lost,” he said. “The sooner we can do it, the better. It’s really frustrating that we can’t do it the way we want to.”

Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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