Leiden, the European Science City 2022, has chosen Proact to offer a modern workplace solution

Leiden, European City of Science 2022 (Leiden2022), has signed a European partnership with Modern Workspace and Data and Information Management Specialist Proact to provide a complete ICT infrastructure and modern workplace solution.

Leiden is home to the oldest university in the Netherlands, and in addition to a large academic hospital, it also houses a large-scale bioscience park. With this concentration of scientific knowledge, the city is known as the meeting place of international talent who has been driving innovation for centuries. These characteristics and history led to the city being chosen as the European Science City for the year 2022 under the name Leiden2022.

To meet the needs surrounding the one-year event program of activity, Leiden2022 entered into a European partnership with Proact to outsource a complete IT and communication infrastructure implementation, including a Modern Workspace solution that enables its employees to work (together) safely anywhere. The solution enables Leiden2022 to focus on the activity program while at the same time providing a flexible and secure IT and communication environment.

Leiden2022 is looking for relationships with European partners who are innovative, flexible, caring and have a strong drive for improvement. “In our opinion, the properties that Proact possesses,” says Meta Noll, Director of Leiden2022.

“We are proud to be the first European partner to contact Leiden European City of Science 2022. As a full-service IT organization, people are the focus of our attention, just like Leiden 2022. Our knowledge and experience in the field of IT,” said Marc Van Limpet, Business Unit Manager at West at Proact, “Innovation, combined with the fact that many of our clients are active in the world of science and education, has been crucial to us.”

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More than Proact
Proact is Europe’s leading specialist in data and information management with a focus on cloud services and data center solutions. We help our customers store, communicate, protect, secure and generate value for their data, while increasing flexibility, productivity and efficiency. We have completed thousands of successful projects around the world, have more than 4,000 clients, and currently manage hundreds of petabytes of information in the cloud. We employ more than 1000 people in 15 countries in Europe and North America. Founded in 1994, our parent company, Proact IT Group AB (publ), was listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in 1999 (under the symbol PACT). For more information on Proact activities, please visit us at www.proact.eu
More from Leiden European Science City 2022 (Leiden 2022)
In 2022, Leiden will be the European City of Science by 2022, with a 365-day program for anyone with a curious mind. Together with many partners, Leiden2022 develops a challenging program connecting science and society. Anyone can participate, from leading international scientists to curious kids. Leiden European Science City 2022 highlights science, knowledge, art and skills through local action, on the national stage, with an international profile. This academic year draws on the founding partners: Leiden Municipality, LUMC, Leiden University and Leiden University of Applied Sciences.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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