Let your colleagues know where you work with Google Calendar

Do you work at home or in the office? Via a new Google Calendar feature, you can locate your work throughout the day on shared calendars.

It is not unusual today for employees to work from other locations. In a hybrid business model, clear communication about who works and where is important. Google announces New feature Calendar application where users can let their colleagues know which days they work from home and which days they come to the office. In this way, physical and virtual meetings can be planned more efficiently.

Experienced Google Workspace users will notice that you’ve been able to share your location via Calendar since 2021. This is an extension of that functionality. If your work location changes throughout the day, for example, you still work at home in the morning but come to the office in the afternoon, you can now define that as well.

How does this work?

To share your location via the calendar, create a new event and select Workplace as an event type. You can then set a timeframe and choose from location options at home And office. The appointment is now on your calendar and visible to anyone with whom the calendar is shared.

Source: Google

The feature is currently only available for all paid Workspace subscriptions, except for the cheapest Workspace Business Starter package.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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