Liz Truss succeeds Johnson as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Good pictures

Truss won 58 percent of the vote, defeating Indian-born Rishi Sunak, who served as chancellor of the treasury in Johnson’s cabinet until early July. In recent weeks, more than 172,000 party members have voted for their favorite. The new leader of the ruling party will immediately become the Prime Minister of the country. In his short victory speech, Truss thanked his predecessor Johnson for his Brexit policy and his fight against Russian President Vladimir Putin. “You are admired from Carlisle to Kiev,” Truss shouted to a roomful of party members. The audience’s reaction was much less enthusiastic, and after some hesitation the applause began for Johnson.

The position of Truss’s predecessor, Johnson, became untenable in early July due to a new scandal (the sexual abuse of fellow party member Chris Fincher), in which the flamboyant prime minister had to admit that he had given Fincher a key position within the party. He knew he had escaped. For the Tories it was too much of a scandal; When almost half of his government team walked out, Johnson had no choice but to resign as leader of the Conservatives.

No wonder

To no one’s surprise, Truss defeated his rival Rishi Sunak. Sunak is seen by the Tories’ right-wing supporters as a more moderate politician who wants to work closely with the EU. Plus, his image as a rich smooth talker didn’t help. Although Truss is not seen as an ideal prime minister, he is close to conservative voters. He is said to be a terrible speaker, not a great intellectual, and, according to critics, greatly admires his political role model Margaret Thatcher.

The British had to deal with her anyway. Johnson is expected to submit his resignation to Queen Elizabeth on Tuesday, after which the head of state will take the mantle. Truss is the fifteenth Prime Minister to serve under the Queen.

New elections

Therefore, there is no need to conduct a new parliamentary election for this leadership election of the ruling party. Truss could end the Tories’ term until 2024. His government may call fresh elections. Johnson and his predecessor, Theresa May, did this within a year of taking office. However, Truss is unlikely to do this, with the Conservative Party trailing hopelessly in the polls. Labor is in the lead and Truss’s popularity will not increase much as he has a few headaches on his plate. The United Kingdom is in dire economic straits, with inflation predicted to rise to at least 20 percent. As energy prices soar, more Britons can no longer afford to pay their bills and face harsher winters.

Truss promised voters he would work to tackle high energy bills, and keeping the British Healthcare System (NHS) afloat is high on the new prime minister’s list. And let’s not forget her well-known hobby horse: cutting taxes.

Truss didn’t have long to enjoy his success. The weekly Prime Minister’s Question Time is on the House of Commons agenda for Wednesday. The opposition Labor Party is also expected not to spare him.

Johnson and Sunak call for unity after Truss win

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has congratulated his successor Liz Truss on winning the leadership election. Now that the campaign is over, Johnson believes it’s time for unity and that ‘all the Conservatives will get behind him 100 per cent’.

Johnson believes Truss has the ‘right plan’ to tackle the UK’s economic crisis and says he hopes it will contain rising energy and living costs.

Rishi Sunak, Truss’ opponent, congratulated her on her election victory. He thanked those who had supported him, but now wanted “everyone to unite behind the new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, who will lead the country through these difficult times”.

Congratulations to the new Prime Minister from abroad. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz looks forward to working with Truss and European Commission President Ursula van der Leyen looks forward to a constructive relationship with the new prime minister. Prime Minister Mark Rutte also says he wants to strengthen ties with the United Kingdom during Truss’ premiership.

British opposition leader Keir Starmer was less enthusiastic. The Labor leader hopes to be quick to reveal his economic plans. During his campaign he reportedly only talked about the taxes of big companies and not the burdens of ordinary Britons.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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