Many women feel unsafe in the gym

Exercising is healthy, we all know that. But going to the gym is sometimes difficult. You may feel closely watched, or even unsafe. Research shows that this applies to women more than men, and therefore some women avoid going to the gym.

But there is a solution that may provide a solution. Did you know that one gender needs to exercise much less than the other?

Feeling unsafe in the gym

More than half of women, 56%, feel watched (by men) at the gym. 67% say they find this annoying, according to research by XXL Nutrition.

As we mentioned, this unpleasant feeling is more common among women than men. About 37% of men feel monitored, while a quarter of them find it annoying. This means that one in ten men feel uncomfortable in the gym because they look uncomfortable, compared to around four in ten women.

However, many women who feel uncomfortable monitoring don't go to the gym, even if they take action. This is the case for 64.5 percent. Measures include adjusting clothing, skipping some exercises, or exercising in a protected place.

Solutions and alternatives

A third of women who feel unsafe in the gym don't let it stop them. This is the case for only one in eight women: they avoid going to the gym because of this feeling.

And the solutions? this is difficult. A “ladies-only” gym could offer a solution, as only women are allowed to work out there, but there aren't many of them in the Netherlands. Only a few gyms allow women only. However, the women who participated in this study believe that a women-only gym is the best solution.

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But what if you don't live near this gym? Then women look for alternatives. For example, they exercise at home or outside, or work with a personal trainer. Fortunately, only a small percentage have stopped exercising completely due to the annoying appearance.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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