ML – Changé (★★★ ½): Soft Wig

Although these days the sun’s rays mainly burn our skin, reality also teaches us that we should take our health very seriously. Marie Fleur was forced to cancel her runway during Les Nuits Botanique and last week ML was allowed to open the big tent outside for the second time in as many weeks. ML, or Marie-Laetitia Mattern, isn’t ready for her test piece, she’s already made a name for herself as part of Sonnfjord. Lately, though, she’s been living her life as a solo artist and this suits the Brussels woman well. they change It is ML’s first EP and it is now doubtful whether it will change her life as well.

The soft melodies of “Nuit Noire”, with which ML broke through the years of silence, gradually managed to settle in our memory like colossal ear hair. On a first listen, we never expected the song to have this, but you can see that time is still a very influential factor in this fast-paced community. It turns out that her second single “Changé”, which is also the lead single on the EP, is cut from the same fabric. Gray days gradually take on color while the song sounds completely sad. That the Brussels girl received the help of Fleur Benguegui, whom you may know from Lumbratres, promises much for the future and after listening to him they change You may understand why.

they change It only has four songs, two of which we already have as singles, but don’t let that discourage you. Obviously quality takes precedence over quantity when putting this set together and in the end we can’t help but applaud it. In “Un Peu Plus Haut” ML goes back to basics as she has to do it with her voice and piano. The Humble All emphasizes Marie Laetitia’s gentle voice, while the sounds of the piano make us float. No overproduction, but just a very pure song that shows ML knows how to make a song right under your skin. “Je vais voir un peu plus haut” seems to, and with that invites us to look beyond the superficial, to search for truth and authenticity. The accompanying video draws its strength from the simplicity with which it is made and sometimes that really shouldn’t be the case.

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“Divagation” is already the last song on the EP and clocks in at under three minutes. We’ll be honest, this should have gone on a little longer. ML describes in a somewhat visual way what is happening behind the blue eyes of a person who turns out to be a very wonderful and dreamy scientist. It all sounds a lot more danceable and we owe that entirely to the catchy chorus. Just like the other songs out there they change It turns out that it settles in your head in such a subtle way that after hours you suddenly begin to hum the tune of “Divagation” completely subconsciously and then yearn for white beaches, a summer breeze and an ice cold drink at hand.

In her debut EP, ML managed to make a strong impression that basically grows over time. The songs are very well compiled and are suitable for both solo listeners and abundant festival singing. Hopefully we can do the latter countless times this summer, but for now we’re also satisfied with quieter listening. It’s no secret that there is a huge amount of potential in the singer and it makes us even more curious about what we can expect from Marie Laetitia Materne in the coming years.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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