Netflix wants it to rain this disastrous year with Death to 2020

Netflix today launched the special comedy trailer on Netflix Original Death until 2020 (2020), From the makers ‘Black mirror’ About the year we’d rather forget as soon as possible.

“Black Mirror” producer, author, and director Charlie Brooker tells about the project: “Those who only know me through ‘Black Mirror’ may not realize that when I am not writing my science fiction my guesses about people who dislike smartphones, I have been doing comedies in the UK for years, including many current shows. Comedy special. Death until 2020 It looks like the collision of different stories. The approach to this is very different from most spot comedies I’ve done in the past. I’m not displaying it on screen – which is more satisfying to anyone watching 4K – and it’s more “personal”. In my most lonely year ever, I worked (remotely) with writers and my team members from previous comics, and with many talented people who were new to me. “

“Death to 2020 features fictional characters discussing real events in a stylized parody, but it’s a lot crazier than it looks now. It looked like a format fit for Netflix, known for its high-end documentaries, as well as a good chance to create a different kind of comedy special covering the year Live and featuring some great artists at the same time. I don’t like the word “satire” but there are some in addition to a number of angry jokes and some crazy jokes. Hopefully viewers will find at least one joke they like – let’s face it, in 2020, every laugh you can put down No matter how fleeting, it is a small but costly victory. “

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2020, a year full of shit that not even the makers of the “Black Mirror” could come up with … but that doesn’t mean they have nothing to add to it. Death until 2020 he is Comedy special For a terrible year that was – and probably still is. In this special documentary, stories of 2020 are told by the world’s most famous (fictional) voices as well as archival footage from the past 12 months.

to Ejaculate They include Samuel L Jackson, Hugh Grant, Comille Nanjiani, Tracy Ullman, Samson Caio, Lisa Kudrow, Diane Morgan, Leslie Jones, Kristen Miliotti, Joe Kerry and Lawrence Fishburne. Death to 2020 is a refreshing comedy that you’ll never forget, about the year you really don’t want to be remembered.

Death until 2020 Designed by Charlie Brooker W. Annabelle Jones, Who are also associated as executive producers. He. She Comic event Produced by Alison Marlow. Al Campbell and Alice Matthias directed this special show and Brooker co-wrote the special with Tom Baker, Keima Pope, Ken Burdell, Monia Chua, Constance Cheng, Alan Connor, Erica Ehler, Charlie George, Ellie Goldstone, Molly Goodfellow, Jason Hesley, Angelo Irving , Kai Cord, Aly Marlowe, Thani Moore, Joel Morris, and Michael O’Dewell. This artwork will be released on Netflix on December 27, 2020.

*** Death Till 2020 Trailer ***

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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